
How to calculate temperature?

ISA at sea level: 15° C

Temperature lapse rate 2° C or 3.5° F per 1000 feet.


  • Given FL270; 27 x -2 = -54° C. -54° C +15° C= -39° C
  • Given 8000 ft => 15 - 2 x 8 = -1° C

How to calculate Pressure Altitude

Determine pressure altitude by using this formula:

PressureAltitude = ( StandardPressure CurrentPressure ) × 1000 + FieldElevation \text{PressureAltitude} = (\text{StandardPressure} - \text{CurrentPressure}) \times 1000 + \text{FieldElevation}

e.g. field elevation is 5,000 ft, pressure setting 29.45, density pressure is 5470 ft.

PressureAltitude = ( 29.92 29.45 ) × 1000 + 5000 = 5470 \text{PressureAltitude} = (29.92 - 29.45) \times 1000 + 5000 = 5470

How to calculate Density Altitude

  • OAT: Outside Air Temperature
  • IST: Standard Temperature
DensityAltitude = PressureAltitude + [ 120 × ( OAT IST ) ] \text{DensityAltitude} = \text{PressureAltitude} + [120 \times ( \text{OAT} - \text{IST})]

How to calculate the approximate base of the cumulus clouds?

What is the approximate base of the cumulus clouds if the surface air temperature at 1,000 feet MSL is 70 °F and the dewpoint is 48 °F?

As a rule of thumb, divide the difference between the temperature and dew point by 4.4 to determine the height of the cloud base.

E.g. 70° F - 48° F = 22. 22 / 4.4 = 5 (in thousands of feet). Add the field elevation of 1,000' to the 5,000' to find 6,000'.

How to get CAS from IAS?

Check POH.

How to calculate TAS from CAS?

Add 2 percent to the CAS for each 1,000 feet of altitude. At 10,000 feet, you are flying approximately 20% faster than your indicated airspeed.

TAS = CAS × ( 1 + Altitude / 1000 × 2 % ) \text{TAS} = \text{CAS} \times (1 + \text{Altitude} / 1000 \times 2\%)

Weight of fuel

100LL: ~6 lb per gallon.

How to estimate fuel burn?

lb per hour = power / 20;


  • Citabria 118 HP / 20 => ~6 ga / hour
  • C172 180 HP / 20 => ~9 ga / hour.

How to calculate Maneuvering Speed?

V A = V A m a x × CurWeight / MaxWeight V_A = V_{A_{max}} \times \sqrt{\text{CurWeight / MaxWeight}}

So if your current weight is 80% of MTOW, V A V_A is ~90% of the V A m a x V_{A_{max}} .

Estimate standard rate turn bank angle

Divide the true airspeed by 10 and add 7. e.g.

  • 100 kt => 15.38; estimate: 100/10+7 = 17
  • 300 kt => 39.5; estimate: 300/10+7=37